Publication Description

Sitthikriengkrai, Malee. Nathan Porath. (2019) “Environmental Illness at Klity Creek (Thailand): A Karen Village’s Quest for Justice” in Behera, Maguni Charan (Ed.). Shifting Perspectives in Tribal Studies: From an Anthropological Approach to Interdisciplinarity and Consilience, Springer, Singapore. pp. 149 - 165.


The paper problematises the context of tribal people’s struggle for environmental justice related to development model in a trajectory of community’s perception; government’s approach to development and attitude to industrial-induced health problems; and intervention of civil society. It describes community awareness and demand for health rights by the Karen people of Klity Creek in Thailand with the support of NGOs. Precisely, the paper reports suffering of the Karen people of Klity Creek from industrial lead pollution during the last two decades of the twentieth century and the protest the people have launched, with the help of NGOs, against the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) demanding that their illness be recognised as related to lead pollution. They also demanded chelation therapy which the MOPH was not willing to provide. With public support, they also took the Lead Company and the Department of Pollution Control to court. This paper discusses the events within the context of NGO support.

Publication Details

  • Author: Assistant Prof.Dr.Malee Sitthikriengkrai ( ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.มาลี สิทธิเกรียงไกร )
  • Co-Author: Nathan Porath
  • Year: 2019
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