Publication Description

“Thai Television Dramas, a New Player in Asian Media Circulation: A Case Study of Full House Thai” in Nobuko Kawashima and Hye-Kyung Lee (eds.). (2018) Asian Cultural

Flows: Cultural Policies, Creative Industries, and Media Consumers. Singapore: Springer, pp.167-182.

This paper examines the success of Full House Thai , a Thai remake of popular Korean drama “Full House”. First, it explores the indigenization of Korean elements in the Thai remake Full House , arguing that the success of Full House Thai lies not only on the attractiveness of Thai actor and actress but also on the Thai-ization of Korean elements. The second part looks at the reception of Asian audience towards Full House Thai . Taking the case of Vietnamese audience, the paper explores how Vietnamese audience interpret Thai remake version in relation to the original Korean version as well as with respect to Thai culture portrayed in the series. The aspects of Thai culture the paper asks Vietnamese audience to reflect upon include views on gender, roles of men and women, the portrayal of social class as well as romantic love. Data presented in this paper come from textual analysis as well as in-depth interviews with 15 Vietnamese audiences.

Publication Details

  • Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amporn Jirattikorn ( รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร. อัมพร จิรัฐติกร )
  • Co-Author:
  • Year: 2018
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